Ways Our Chiropractors Help Recovery For Accident Injuries

6 Ways Our Chiropractors Help Recovery For Accident Injuries

When you’re involved in a car accident or suffer another type of injury that causes you pain, it can be difficult to know exactly how to move forward. While the initial shock of the event may have started to settle, you may still be dealing with residual effects from the aftermath of the accident. It’s … Read more

things to do Immediately After a Car Accident in Texas

Do These Immediately After a Car Accident in Texas

After you’ve been in a car accident, you have to be considerate with how you proceed with the other driver, local authorities, and insurance companies. Not being careful can have a lot of consequences. With Texas having some of the most dangerous roads in the country, being aware of what to do after an accident … Read more

Back Pain From Car Accidents Be Delayed Up To Months

Why Can Back Pain From Car Accidents Be Delayed Up To Months

When you’re involved in a car accident and hurt your back, pain is something that you would expect to happen almost immediately. However, there are times when the pain from the accident doesn’t present itself right away. In fact, some people don’t feel any pain until days or even months after the collision. Why does … Read more

What Should You Not Do After Chiropractic Adjustments

What Should You Not Do After Chiropractic Adjustments?

Did you know that the benefits of chiropractic adjustments last much longer than the actual treatment session? That’s because your body continues to have positive effects from a chiropractic adjustment for 48 hours after the adjustment. In fact, it is not uncommon for patients to report that they feel better in general and experience less … Read more

What is a Herniated Disc and Why Does It Happen

Do Herniated Discs Ever Fully Heal or Are They Permanent?

Do herniated discs ever fully recover or are they permanent? The answer isn’t always simple because it varies from person to person. In general, most herniated discs have the ability to heal and recover over time. However, this largely depends on many different factors including your age and how quickly you’re able to progress through … Read more

Who To See Post-Accident Chiropractor or Physical Therapist

Who To See Post-Accident: Chiropractor or Physical Therapist

When you’re in pain and unable to move as freely as you would like, your first thought probably isn’t about what type of specialist you should see. You likely just want to feel better. After your check-up,  your emergency or primary care doctor may refer you to rehabilitative treatments like chiropractic care or physical therapy. … Read more

reduce The Risk And Prevent Whiplash In Car Accidents

How To Reduce The Risk And Prevent Whiplash In Car Accidents

Whiplash is a common injury from car accidents. In fact, whiplash affects up to 90% of people who have been involved in an accident where their head was forced forwards and backwards suddenly or with force. It’s more commonly known as neck injury and can also be referred to as cervical acceleration trauma or CAT.  … Read more

Texas Car Accident Facts and Statistics

Texas Car Accident Facts and Statistics That You Need to Know

You probably know that driving is a risky proposition, especially when you’re on the road alone or in the dark. But how much danger are you actually facing? If you live in Texas and drive on a regular basis, then you should be aware of how dangerous car accidents can be. There were almost 2 … Read more

Chiropractor After An Accident

How Long Can I Wait To See A Chiropractor After An Accident?

In light of the recent increase in car accidents, we’re seeing more patients than ever with tissue, frame, and general body injuries. More and more, people are asking us the same question: How long should I go to a chiropractor after an accident? The sooner you make an appointment with one, the faster you’ll feel … Read more

Chiropractor Help With PTSD After A Car Accident

How Can A Chiropractor Help With PTSD After A Car Accident?

Can you get PTSD from a car accident? When a person is involved in a car accident, it can have long-lasting effects on their life. It is estimated that nearly half of all car crash survivors develop some form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of their accident. When this happens, it … Read more