11 Delayed Shock Symptoms After Accident

The stress and trauma of getting into a car accident can cause you to experience shock. In addition to the psychological trauma from such an event, it can also cause physical symptoms, and shock can be a physical condition that may even require medical intervention. Delayed shock symptoms after an accident are more common than you might think. In addition to car accident injuries, you can also experience car accident shock. Here is everything you need to know about how a car accident can lead to shock and 11 examples of delayed shock symptoms.

How a Car Accident Can Cause Shock

Nobody expects to get into a car accident, which means they often come as a surprise. Whether you were in a minor fender-bender or a serious side-swipe collision, you can suffer injuries that could initiate traumatic shock. When your body goes into shock after a car accident, it is typically because an injury has affected your body’s ability to get enough blood circulating so that you can function properly. These 11 symptoms of shock after a traumatic event may not show up for hours or even days after the initial event.


When you have been in a stressful event like a car accident, your body is surging with stress hormones and adrenaline. An unexpected byproduct of this can be nausea. You might start to feel queasy and jittery as the initial shock wears off or if you are experiencing blood loss due to an injury.


In the hours after a car accident, you may start to notice that you are experiencing muscle weakness. This can happen because your muscles, organs, and other soft tissues aren’t getting enough oxygen and nutrients from healthy blood flow.


You might also start to feel drowsy or experience fatigue after a car accident due to shock. Fatigue can happen when you have sustained an injury or significant blood loss, and your body is trying to preserve vital functioning.


Shock can also cause delayed emotional responses, like stress and anxiety. Once the initial stress of the event has worn off, you might continue to feel agitated or worried. Anxiety can also cause other physical responses in the body that can exacerbate your delayed shock symptoms.


When you experience a sudden traumatic event, you will be flooded with adrenaline that helps engage your fight or flight response and self-preservation instincts. Once the adrenaline starts to wear off, you might experience confusion or disorientation. Confusion and issues with alertness can also occur when car accident injuries impact the nervous system.

Pulse Changes

There are several reasons why shock can affect your pulse. Damage to your nervous system, like a spinal cord injury, can cause blood vessels to dilate and slow your heart rate. You can also experience low blood pressure or even a loss of consciousness.

Irregular Heartbeat

Damage to your heart muscle can also lead to an irregular heartbeat. Your heart might start beating abnormally or beating more slowly than what is healthy. Serious blood loss from car accident injuries can also impact your heartbeat.


If your skin is cold and clammy to the touch, then these can be signs of shock symptoms. When your adrenaline is pumping, it actually helps prioritize blood flow to your vital organs. This can lead to coldness and clamminess at your extremities like your skin, fingers, and toes.


Blood loss after an accident can cause you to feel dizzy and lightheaded. Dizziness can occur due to an irregular heartbeat or in tandem with other delayed shock symptoms that might be impacting you.

Dry Mouth

When your body is under a significant amount of stress, your body may produce less saliva, leading to feelings of dry mouth. You might notice a sticky sensation or bad taste in your mouth, which can also be related to dry mouth.

Low Blood Sugar

Your blood sugar levels can drop due to traumatic shock, making you feel weak and tired. If your blood sugars drop, your brain and organs may not get enough nutrients they need to function properly.

Treatment for Car Accident Shock and Injuries

Do you know what to do after a car accident? If you experience any of these delayed shock symptoms after an accident, then a car accident doctor can help. First aid and immediate emergency medical attention may be required to address your car accident injuries, especially if you are losing a lot of blood. However, you will need a trusted doctor to see for continued treatment and care for car accident injuries. Depending on what type of shock you are experiencing, your doctor can develop a treatment plan that addresses your symptoms along with helping you heal and recover from your injuries. The good news is that you can fully recover from shock, especially if it is treated as soon as possible.

The shock and stress of a car accident can keep you from fully recognizing the extent of your injuries. The pain and discomfort can take hours or even days to fully set in after a car accident. That is why you should see a car accident doctor as soon as possible after you have been in an accident. Car accident doctors are highly trained and skilled in identifying, diagnosing, and treating a wide variety of injuries, even if you are not experiencing all of the symptoms yet. Your car accident doctor can diagnose your car accident injuries and get you started on a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific symptoms and concerns. Common car accident injuries like whiplash can cause you pain and impact your strength and mobility.

If you have been injured in a car accident in Texas, visit Affordable Chiropractic Killeen for quality and comprehensive care for car accident injuries. We are Bell County’s trusted provider for injury care and have been serving the community for over 25 years. We offer same-day appointments, or you can book an appointment online to get started with chiropractic treamtment today!

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